Tuesday, August 18, 2009

For The Birds

Although I don't have any pets of my own, I've always been an animal lover. With a few exceptions such as a dog that once tried to tear my throat out, animals seem to like me too. There's no better feeling than a friendly dog greeting you with its tail wagging, wanting to kiss you, or to feel the contented purr of a cat as you stroke that soft, silky fur.

When we were kids my Mom didn't want any dogs or cats, but she did let us have aquariums full of colorful fish, and birds. From the time I was very small I remember having parakeets in the house. We had a bird named Candy that we tried to teach to talk, with a record. I can clearly remember the voice on the record going "pretty birdie, pretty birdie" - over and over and over again. Candy never said a word, and I believe one day my mother "accidentally" broke that record.

Today I have no pets either, but I still love them all, and I happened to stumble over a website for a parrot that knocked my socks off. Her name is Einstein and she lives in Texas with her human family, and she is the most vocal parrot I've ever seen. I wanted to share her website with you so you can see for yourself: http://www.einsteinparrot.com/

I think she'll put a smile on your face. I know she put one on mine. Some days it's good to remind ourselves to love all of God's creatures.